Having never blogged before, I’m not sure how to get started. Perhaps I should begin by thanking you for taking the time to visit my website and encouraging you to look at all we have to offer. If you don’t see what you need, please let me know.
It has occurred to me that, while I try to stay on top of the latest ergonomic trends, it would be helpful to have input from my clients as to what their actual needs are so that I can best determine how to fulfill them.
With that in mind, I’m hoping that some of you will take the time to respond with some suggestions as to things you might like to see on our website.
Personally, I recently came across a new product that I found interesting. The concept seems good but I’m wondering if anyone would actually be willing to use it on a regular basis. If you’re like me and spend way too much time sitting at your desk, it might be the solution to your time management problems. Too much work and not enough working out seems to be a growing problem, so to speak. This product could get you up and moving, while still allowing you to get some work done. It’s probably not for everyone but, for those who spend a lot of time reviewing files, responding to e-mails, talking on the phone, etc., this could really work.
Apparently, it has a maximum speed of two miles per hour and is aimed at keeping your heart rate steady. It is quiet and has an adjustable work surface with an arc-shaped indentation in the table. The treadmill’s surface is slightly narrower than most machines’, but the arc and the firm wrist pad help prevent the need for side railings. It isn’t suggested that it be used as the primary work station but possibly an interesting “hot station” to be shared by everyone or in conference rooms where people could walk as they review PowerPoint slides or teleconference. While we would all rather take a walk in the park, this could be a great alternative for those trapped in the office all day trying to get some work done.
What do you think? I look forward to hearing from you. http://www.theergonomicstore.com/
It has occurred to me that, while I try to stay on top of the latest ergonomic trends, it would be helpful to have input from my clients as to what their actual needs are so that I can best determine how to fulfill them.
With that in mind, I’m hoping that some of you will take the time to respond with some suggestions as to things you might like to see on our website.
Personally, I recently came across a new product that I found interesting. The concept seems good but I’m wondering if anyone would actually be willing to use it on a regular basis. If you’re like me and spend way too much time sitting at your desk, it might be the solution to your time management problems. Too much work and not enough working out seems to be a growing problem, so to speak. This product could get you up and moving, while still allowing you to get some work done. It’s probably not for everyone but, for those who spend a lot of time reviewing files, responding to e-mails, talking on the phone, etc., this could really work.
Apparently, it has a maximum speed of two miles per hour and is aimed at keeping your heart rate steady. It is quiet and has an adjustable work surface with an arc-shaped indentation in the table. The treadmill’s surface is slightly narrower than most machines’, but the arc and the firm wrist pad help prevent the need for side railings. It isn’t suggested that it be used as the primary work station but possibly an interesting “hot station” to be shared by everyone or in conference rooms where people could walk as they review PowerPoint slides or teleconference. While we would all rather take a walk in the park, this could be a great alternative for those trapped in the office all day trying to get some work done.
What do you think? I look forward to hearing from you. http://www.theergonomicstore.com/